Information: 0.2.5 is officially out! Please bear with us while we are working on updating the wiki. This patch is massive so a lot of work will be needed. Enjoy the game in the meantime!


From Tiny Rogues Wiki
Revision as of 13:41, 15 May 2024 by Ken (talk | contribs)


Name Weapon Type Rarity Hand Damage Range APS Range Effect STR DEX INT
Dagger 1


90-185 2 Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.. C Dagger
Spiky Flail 1


55-100 1 Medium Primary attack spins a flail that deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage.. C FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Katana 1


55-125 2.5 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. D Two Handed Sword
Broken Hero Sword 1


80-155 2 Very Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. E E One Handed Sword
Hand Axe 1


100-200 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C Axe
Sickles 1


30-65 3 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times. D Sickles
Club 1


105-215 2 Short Primary attack deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage.. C Mace
Crop Scythe 1


65-150 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. E C Scythe
Spear 1


100-210 2 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.. D D Spear
Broadsword 1


80-165 2.5 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C E One Handed Sword
Shortsword 1


80-165 2.5 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. D E One Handed Sword
Wooden Sword 1


65-140 2.5 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. D One Handed Sword
Poleaxe 1


95-200 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
On the tally of 5 primary attacks, does a special secondary attack that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts Armor BreakOn reaching 5 stacks of Armor Break on a normal enemy or 10 stacks on a boss enemy, fully break the target's armor . Lasts 4 seconds..
E Polearm
Twin Axes 1


85-155 2 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C E Axe
Rapier 1


115-240 2 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

On combat start, grants En GardeEn Garde is a buff that grants 20% increased attack speed and lasts 8 seconds..
C One Handed Sword
Circus Knives 1


110-205 2 Very Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.. D Dagger
Wooden Bo 1


115-220 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage.. E D Daibo
Rusty Fans 1


55-105 3 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times. D Fan
Crusader Mace 1


105-245 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. D Mace
Side Sword 1


75-170 2.5 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.. E D E One Handed Sword
Bastard Sword 1


95-200 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C Two Handed Sword
Cutlass 1


60-125 2.5 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

On the tally of 5 Primary attacks, does a special Secondary attack that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
E D One Handed Sword
Draco Spear 1


80-180 2 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
This weapon has 20% lethal hit Lethal Hits deal double damage. chance against dragons.
D E Spear
Morning Star 2


140-270 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. and inflicts BleedBleed is a physical damage over time ailment that deals 50% of physical infliction damage as wound damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.. C Mace
Battle Axe 2


115-230 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. B Axe
Double Axe 2


50-105 2.5 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and hits twice. C E Axe
Tomahawk 2


115-225 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C D Axe
Claymore 2


100-205 2.5 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C D Two Handed Sword
Reinforced Club 2


145-285 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage.. C Mace
Ninja Dagger 2


100-200 2.5 Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

Each point of dexterityDexterity increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off dexterity. Additionally dexterity grants attack speed, movement speed and potentially other stats. grants +5% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. multiplier to this weapon.
C Dagger
Poison Sickles 2


55-60 3 Medium Primary attacks deal poison damagePoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times., inflict PoisonPoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times. and can hit multiple times. C E Sickles
Spore Flail 2


130-145 1 Medium Primary attack spins 2 flails that deal poison damagePoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times..

As a Secondary attack, shoots spores that deal poison damagePoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times. while spinning for every second.
C E E FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Knob Twiddler 2


105-215 2 Very Short Primary attack spins 2 flails that deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage.. E E FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Falchion 2


80-165 3 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C C One Handed Sword
Bardiche 2


135-280 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

On the tally of 3 Primary attacks, does a special Secondary attack that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts Armor BreakOn reaching 5 stacks of Armor Break on a normal enemy or 10 stacks on a boss enemy, fully break the target's armor . Lasts 4 seconds..
C E Polearm
Runic Sword 2


100-200 3 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. C C One Handed Sword
Double Scythe 2


55-115 2.5 Medium Primary attacks deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and hit twice. E B Scythe
Pike 2


125-255 2 Very Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.. D C Spear
Hunting Knife 2


110-235 2 Very Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon gains 100% critical hit chance The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. when triggeringTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a mark.
D C Dagger
Prop Knife 2


55-105 2 Very Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and fearFear is a emotion debuff that adds +100% to minimum damage taken roll and lasts 8 seconds. on hit. E Dagger
Twin Daggers 2


115-230 2.5 Very Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon has double critical hit chance The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier..
C D Dagger
Twin Karambits 2


45-105 2.5 Very Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
On critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier., gain SwiftnessSwiftness is a buff that grants 25% increased movement speed and lasts 8 seconds..
D C Dagger
Cactus Flail 2


195-405 1.5 Far Primary attack spins a flail that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts Cactus PricklesCactus Prickles is a stackable debuff that adds +5 to 10 to physical damage taken per stack. Stacks last 2 seconds decaying one after another. Up to 10 stacks.. A FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Crystal Flail 2


185-425 1 Medium Primary attack spins a flail that deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

Triggers 3 crystals that deal thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. each while spinning for every second.
C E E FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Nunchaku 2


100-215 1.5 Short Primary attack spins 2 flails that deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. and inflict InstabilityInstability is a debuff that makes the target take 30% more top end damage and lasts 4 seconds.. C D FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Balloon Hammer 2


95-160 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. and intimidateIntimidate is a emotion debuff that makes non-bosses take 30% more damage and bosses take 15% more damage and lasts 8 seconds. on hit. E Mace
Baseball Bat 2


135-280 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

This weapon gains 100% crushing hit Crushing Hits are guaranteed to roll top end damage. chance with lucky hits Luck increases lucky hit chance. Lucky hits roll damage 1 additional time, taking the higher roll and define a chance to trigger certain effects on hit..
C Mace
Crystal Sword 2


60-115 2.5 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

On the tally of 5 primary attacks, triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a volley of crystals that deal thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
C C One Handed Sword
Swift Saber 2


90-175 3 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and grants SwiftnessSwiftness is a buff that grants 25% increased movement speed and lasts 8 seconds. on hit. D C One Handed Sword
Crystal Halberd 2


110-235 2 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts Armor BreakOn reaching 5 stacks of Armor Break on a normal enemy or 10 stacks on a boss enemy, fully break the target's armor . Lasts 4 seconds..

On the tally of 5 primary attacks, does a special secondary attack that deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

On the tally of 5 primary attacks, additionally triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
crystals that deal thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
C D Polearm
Cultist Sickles 2


35-70 3 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

This weapon gains +15% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance against BleedingBleed is a physical damage over time ailment that deals 50% of physical infliction damage as wound damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds. enemies.
C E Sickles
Executioner Sword 2


170-355 1.5 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and inflicts BleedBleed is a physical damage over time ailment that deals 50% of physical infliction damage as wound damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.. D Two Handed Sword
Flameberge 2


65-235 2 Far Primary attack deals fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. and inflicts ScorchScorch is a stackable fire ailment that increases fire damage taken from hits by 10% per stack. Stacks last for up to 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks.. C C Two Handed Sword
Grass Blade 2


60-125 4 Far Primary attack deals nature damageNettles is a nature ailment that increases the effect of debuffs on the target by 50% and lasts 8 seconds. All nature damage is considered elemental damage and inflicts Nettles. and inflicts NettlesNettles is a nature ailment that increases the effect of debuffs on the target by 50% and lasts 8 seconds. . B Two Handed Sword
Hero Sword 3


120-230 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. B B One Handed Sword
Golden Skean 3


95-185 2 Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
This weapon doubles its critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. multiplier.
D D Dagger
Buster Blade 3


65-135 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
On defy death Defy Death allows you to take an additional hit of damage before death. Refreshes each floor., gain Limit BreakLimit Break is a status effect that grants +100% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance with this weapon and lasts 1 room..
B E Two Handed Sword
Giant Slayer 3


80-170 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

This weapon has 100% lethal hit Lethal Hits deal double damage. chance against bosses.
C Two Handed Sword
Ceremonial Knife 3


205-230 2 Short Primary attack deals poison damagePoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times..

This weapon inflicts maximum stacks of PoisonPoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times. with critical hits The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier..
C C Dagger
Lance 3


140-285 2.5 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

Your % modifiers to movement speed also apply to damage dealt by this weapon.
A E Spear
The Hungry Blade 3


130-270 2 Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

On kill, gain HungerHunger is a buff that grants +300% critical hit❗ multiplier with The Hungry Blade and lasts 4 seconds.The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. .
A Dagger
Big Chomper 3


285-595 0.5 Far Primary attack spins a flail that deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. and hits twice. A FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Energysaber 3


45-205 4 Medium Primary attack deals energy damage. B C One Handed Sword
Maelstrom 3


180-240 2 Medium Primary attack spins a flail that deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. .

Wielding this weapon increases your movement speed by 20%.
B B FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Halberd 3


140-280 2 far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts Armor BreakOn reaching 5 stacks of Armor Break on a normal enemy or 10 stacks on a boss enemy, fully break the target's armor . Lasts 4 seconds..

On the tally of 3 Primary attacks, does a special Secondary attack that deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
C C Polearm
Lifehunt Scythe 3


10-215 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
This weapon gains +25% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance with hits to health.
E A Scythe
Demon Blade 3


75-165 3 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
On kill, gain Demon RageDemon Rage is a buff that grants 100% increased attack speed with the Demon Blade and lasts 4 seconds..
A A One Handed Sword
War Fans 3


65-145 3 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

Reduces global tally threshold requirements by -1.
B Fan
Partizan 3


45-300 2 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

On the tally of 5 primary attacks, does a special secondary attack that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
C B Spear
Gladius 3


120-225 3 Short Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Reduces global tally threshold requirements by -1.
C C One Handed Sword
The Separator 3


75-165 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

This weapon has 100% ruthless hit Ruthless Hits have 100% more top end damage. chance.
A Axe
Flame Spear 3


50-180 2 Far Primary attack deals fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. . C C C Spear
Gargoyle Tail Axe 3


140-280 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

intimidateIntimidate is a emotion debuff that makes non-bosses take 30% more damage and bosses take 15% more damage and lasts 8 seconds. on hit with critical hits The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier..
B Axe
Guitar Axe 3


Slashing: 60-130
Sound: 30-60
2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage., also does a Secondary attack that deals sound damageEcho is a stackable sound ailment that consumes all stacks to deal 75% of accumulated sound damage as sound damage upon reaching 2 stacks. A stack lasts 4 seconds. This damage counts as repeat damage.All sound damage inflicts Echo. with each hit. B D D Axe
Winged Axes 3


95-185 2.5 Far Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and grant TailwindTailwind is a stackable buff that grants 5% increased attack-, movement- and orbital speed per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 4 stacks. when both axes hit. B C Axe
Gemini Daggers 3


80-165 3 Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon has +100% chance for attacks to repeatRepeated attacks deal 25% less damage. .
B B Dagger
Mail Breaker 3


135-285 2 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts full stacks of Armor BreakOn reaching 5 stacks of Armor Break on a normal enemy or 10 stacks on a boss enemy, fully break the target's armor . Lasts 4 seconds.. D C Dagger
Coral Flail 3


85-175 0.5 Far Primary attack spins 3 flails that deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

As a Secondary attack, shoots bubbles that deal cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. while spinning for 1.25 times per second.
C C FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Blacksmith Hammer 3


140-270 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

This weapon gains 25% more damage from weapon upgrade levels.
B Mace
Clockwork Hammer 3


150-320 2.5 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..
Attacks with this weapon advance your periodical effects by 0.25 seconds.
B D Mace
Giant Hammer 3


215-455 1.5 Medium Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

This weapon gains +100% crushing hit Crushing Hits are guaranteed to roll top end damage. chance.
A Mace
Magi-Tech Hammer 3


160-335 2 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

Each point of Mana Mana grants stats to your mana-draining weapons. By default each point of mana✯ grants 10% more damage. additionally grants +25% crushing hit Crushing Hits are guaranteed to roll top end damage. chance to this weapon.
B B Mace
Needle 3


80-160 3 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

Deals 25% less damage to armor , but 25% more to HealthHealth is the red part of enemy health bars and armor is the blue-grey part of enemy health bars..
B E One Handed Sword
Fire Scimitar 3


125-165 3 Medium Primary attack deals fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. . On critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. with this weapon, triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
an fiery burst dealing fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. . [0.25 seconds cooldown]
C E C One Handed Sword
Ice Scimitar 3


130-185 3 Medium Primary attack deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. .

On critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. with this weapon, triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
an icy burst dealing cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. . [0.25 seconds cooldown]
E C C One Handed Sword
Bone Scythe 3


90-180 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

critical hits The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. with this weapon grant you a Bone SplinterBone Splinter is a stackable status effect that consumes one stack on primary attack to launch a bone spear projectile. .

Primary attacks consume 1 Bone SplinterBone Splinter is a stackable status effect that consumes one stack on primary attack to launch a bone spear projectile. to triggerTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a bone spear that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
E B Scythe
Druid Sickles 3


50-110 3 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

On critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. with this weapon, triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a thorn root to grow beneath the enemy that deals nature damageNettles is a nature ailment that increases the effect of debuffs on the target by 50% and lasts 8 seconds. All nature damage is considered elemental damage and inflicts Nettles. and can hit multiple times and inflicts NettlesNettles is a nature ailment that increases the effect of debuffs on the target by 50% and lasts 8 seconds. .
D D Sickles
Jagged Sickles 3


65-135 2.5 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage., inflict BleedBleed is a physical damage over time ailment that deals 50% of physical infliction damage as wound damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds. and can hit multiple times. D B Sickles
Frost Spear 3


100-130 2 Far Primary attack deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. . C C C Spear
Gichang 3


145-300 2 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

During combat this weapon periodically triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
your on-combat-start effects every 8 seconds.
B B Spear
Unicorn Spear 3


165-340 2 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon gains 100% lethal hit Lethal Hits deal double damage. chance with lucky hit Luck increases lucky hit chance. Lucky hits roll damage 1 additional time, taking the higher roll and define a chance to trigger certain effects on hit..
B B C Spear
Beam Sword 3


50-100 slashing
20-230 energy
3 Far Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and have a 30%🍀 chance on-attack to shoot a beam Secondary attack that deals energy damage. B C Two Handed Sword
Chainsaw Katana 3


75-155 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and inflicts RuptureRupture is a stackable physical ailment that increases physical damage taken from hits by 10% per stack. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks.. A Two Handed Sword
Flying Dragon Sword 3


105-225 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Wielding this weapon grants dragon wings and 50% increased movement speed.
B C Two Handed Sword
Vorpal Blade 3 50-115 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

critical hits The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. with this weapon grant SupersonicSupersonic is a status effect that doubles the attack speed of this weapon and lasts 4 seconds..
[4 seconds cooldown]
E A E Two Handed Sword
Berserker Axes 4


85-165 3 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Grants a stack of rageRage is a stackable emotion buff that grants 4% increased attack speed per stack. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. when both axes hit.
A C Axe
Butcher Cleaver 4


195-375 1.5 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and inflicts BleedBleed is a physical damage over time ailment that deals 50% of physical infliction damage as wound damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds..

BleedBleed is a physical damage over time ailment that deals 50% of physical infliction damage as wound damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds. inflicted by this weapon deals triple damage.
A Axe
Gimmershred 4


125-170 cold
65-235 fire
5-300 lightning
3 Medium Primary attack deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. , then fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. , then lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock.. A A A Axe
Moonshine Greatsword 4


75-155 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

On draining an accumulated amount of 0.5 mana Mana grants stats to your mana-draining weapons. By default each point of mana✯ grants 10% more damage. , triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a moon beam that deals radiant damageGlitter is a stackable radiant ailment that adds 2.5% chance to be lucky hit per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All radiant damage inflicts Glitter. to a random enemy.
D D S Two Handed Sword
Zweihander 4


115-235 1.5 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and hits up to two times.

Each point of strengthStrength increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off strength. Additionally strength grants more damage dealt, equip load capacity and potentially other stats. additionally adds +10 to top end slashingAll slashing damage is physical damage. damage of this weapon.
S Two Handed Sword
Soulthief Dagger 4


105-205 3 Medium This weapon gains +10% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. multiplier per Soul you have.
(Up to 1000%)
A B Dagger
Trident 4


55-110 2 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and hits 3 times. A A Spear
Echoing Fury 4


150-325 2 Medium Primary attacks deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. and grant a stack of FuryFury is a stackable emotion buff that grants 4% increased damage per stack. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. on hit.

This weapon has +100% chance for attacks to repeatRepeated attacks deal 25% less damage. .
A A Mace
Quecholli 4


105-185 3 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

TriggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
an explosionExplosion damage persists through the armor threshold. on hit, that deals explosion damageExplosion damage persists through the armor threshold..
A Mace
Amazon Spear 4


160-330 3 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

While wielding this weapon, your dexterityDexterity increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off dexterity. Additionally dexterity grants attack speed, movement speed and potentially other stats. and strengthStrength increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off strength. Additionally strength grants more damage dealt, equip load capacity and potentially other stats. equal the higher of the two values.
A A Spear
Reaper's Toll 4


65-125 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

During combat, periodically spawns a blood charge pickup that grants Blood RushBlood Rush is a status effect that grants +100% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance with the Reaper's Toll and lasts 5 seconds. every 10 seconds.
A A Scythe
Axe of Despair 4


445-915 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.. Axe
Frostbane 4


130-185 3 Medium Primary attack deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. and inflicts Frostbite Frostbite is a stackable cold ailment that consumes all stacks to deal 100% of accumulated cold infliction damage as cold damage upon reaching 5 stacks. A stack lasts 8 seconds. . A A One Handed Sword
Muramasa 4


185-400 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage., also does a secondary attack that deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

Increases the duration of Mana FluxMana Flux is a mana star buff that grants 25% more attack speed and 25% mana drain refund and lasts 4 seconds. by +4 seconds.
A A One Handed Sword
Starfury 4


60-115 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage., also does a secondary attack that deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times. C C C One Handed Sword
Salamandra 4


85-205 2 Medium Primary attack deals fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. .
Grants 2 Salamandragon companions .

APS: 1.00
DMG: 82 to 191 fireBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn.
Grants: 15% increased fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn.
A C C One Handed Sword
Colossus Machete 4


150-295 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Each point of strengthStrength increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off strength. Additionally strength grants more damage dealt, equip load capacity and potentially other stats. grants +1% crushing hit Crushing Hits are guaranteed to roll top end damage. chance to this weapon.
S Axe
Imp Dagger 4


75-150 3 Short Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon gains 100% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. multiplier depending on how evil your alignment is.
(Up to 400%)
S Dagger
Shadow Dagger 4


75-400 2 Medium Primary attack deals dark damageGloom is a stackable dark ailment that increases damage taken from cursed hits by 25% per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All dark damage inflicts Gloom. and inflicts a stack of corruptionCorruption is a stackable dark ailment that permanently increases damage taken by 1% per stack..

Stacks of corruptionCorruption is a stackable dark ailment that permanently increases damage taken by 1% per stack. inflicted while wielding this weapon add +5% to critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. multiplier taken.
B A B Dagger
Tempest Fans 4


65-125 slashing
115-225 cold
2 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times, also does a Secondary attack that deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. and grants TailwindTailwind is a stackable buff that grants 5% increased attack-, movement- and orbital speed per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 4 stacks.. A Fan
Anchor Flail 4


760-1550 0.5 Far Primary attack spins a flail that deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

Wielding this weapon slows your movement speed by 20%.
S FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Gunchaku 4 65-145 1 Far Primary attack spins 2 flails that deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

This weapon is also considered ranged and a gun.

As a Secondary attack, shoots bullets that deal thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. while spinning for 4.5 times per second.
B B FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Stormhammer 4


145-300 2.5 Medium Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

On-taking-damage, triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a chain lightning that deals lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock. and grants you 4 stacks of TailwindTailwind is a stackable buff that grants 5% increased attack-, movement- and orbital speed per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 4 stacks.. [Chains between 5 enemies.]
A C Mace
Raijin 4


95-195 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
Each attack triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a chain lightning that deals lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock.. [Chains between 3 enemies.] [0.1 seconds cooldown]
A A One Handed Sword
Bisento 4


110-230 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
On the tally of 3 primary attacks, does a special secondary attack that deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
S B Polearm
Lucerne 4


145-290 2.5 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage. and inflicts Armor BreakOn reaching 5 stacks of Armor Break on a normal enemy or 10 stacks on a boss enemy, fully break the target's armor . Lasts 4 seconds..

On the tally of 3 primary attacks, does a special secondary attack that deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..

This weapon has 100% crushing hit Crushing Hits are guaranteed to roll top end damage. chance with strikingAll striking damage is physical damage. damage.
A D Polearm
Cyber Sickles 4


55-105 4 Medium Primary attack deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

Each point of mana Mana grants stats to your mana-draining weapons. By default each point of mana✯ grants 10% more damage. additionally grants +10% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance to this weapon.
A A Sickles
Titan Sickle 4


75-150 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

Each point of strengthStrength increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off strength. Additionally strength grants more damage dealt, equip load capacity and potentially other stats. grants +1% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance to this weapon.
A A Sickles
Dragonslayer Lance 4


130-275 2 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon has 100% ruthless hit Ruthless Hits have 100% more top end damage. chance against dragons.
A Spear
Dragonslayer Greatsword 4


105-220 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

This weapon has 100% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance against dragons.
A Two Handed Sword
Misfit's Sword 4


130-275 3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and deals guaranteed critical hits The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. with hits at the farthest extent. A A One Handed Sword
Stormbreaker 5


95-185 2 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
On hit, triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a chain lightning that deals lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock.. [Chains between 2 enemies.] [0.1 seconds cooldown]
S C C Axe
Zenith 5


50-175 fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn.
95-130 cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill.
5-220 lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock.
105-120 PoisonPoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times.
30-195 dark damageGloom is a stackable dark ailment that increases damage taken from cursed hits by 25% per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All dark damage inflicts Gloom.
85-140 radiant damageGlitter is a stackable radiant ailment that adds 2.5% chance to be lucky hit per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All radiant damage inflicts Glitter.
5 Far Primary attack cycles between dealing fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. , cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. , lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock., PoisonPoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times., dark damageGloom is a stackable dark ailment that increases damage taken from cursed hits by 25% per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All dark damage inflicts Gloom. , radiant damageGlitter is a stackable radiant ailment that adds 2.5% chance to be lucky hit per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All radiant damage inflicts Glitter. S S S Two Handed Sword
Death Sickles 5


55-105 4 Medium Primary attacks deal slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage. and can hit multiple times.

This weapon gains +2.5% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance per Soul you have. (Up to 100%)
S S Sickles
Sun Vortex 5


105-355 1.5 Far Primary attack spins a flail that deals fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. .

As a Secondary attack, shoots fire beams that deal fireBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. damage while spinning for 2.5 per second.
S S FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Mjolnir 5


165-355 2 Far Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage.. Triggers lightning strikes during attack that deal 10-1705 lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock. every 2 units moved. S S Mace
Gungnir 5


100-210 3 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
Each attack also triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a chain lightning that each deal lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock.. [Chains between 3 enemies.] [0.1 seconds cooldown]
S S S Spear
Excalibur 5


85-165 slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage.
80-165 thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.
3 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage., also does a secondary attack that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
Evolves into True Excalibur at upgrade level 4.
A S One Handed Sword
Lightbringer 5


115-225 4 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Periodically calls down a beam of light on an enemy that inflicts radiant damageGlitter is a stackable radiant ailment that adds 2.5% chance to be lucky hit per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All radiant damage inflicts Glitter. and 10 stacks of GlitterGlitter is a stackable radiant ailment that adds 2.5% chance to be lucky hit per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. 2 times per second.
S S S One Handed Sword
Leviathan Axe 5


175-355 3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Possession of this axe makes you a disciple of the leviathan.
S S Axe
Divine Axe 5


180-240 2 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Gains +1 upgrade level for each 10 StrengthStrength increases damage dealt by weapons that scale off strength. Additionally strength grants more damage dealt, equip load capacity and potentially other stats. you have.
S Axe
Carnwennan 5


115-235 4 Medium Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..

This weapon has +100% critical hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. chance.
S S S Dagger
Punk Hazard 5


65-230 fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn.
125-170 cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill.
4 Short Primary attack alternates between dealing fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. and cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. .

This weapon deals 100% increased fireBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. against chilledChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. enemies and 100% increased coldChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. damage against burningBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds. enemies.
S S Dagger
Flailstrom 5


205-445 1 Far Primary attack spins 2 flails that deal striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage. and hit 3 times. FlailThis weapon is considered a channeling weapon. Flails are considered orbitals but % modifiers to orbital speed only apply at 25% their value to attack speed.
Ragnarok 5


120-240 3 Short Primary attack deals striking damageAll striking damage is physical damage..
During combat, periodically triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
lightning strikes that deal lightning damageShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock. or meteors that deal fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. 3 times per second.
S Mace
Frostbringer 5


115-225 4 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
Periodically calls down a blizzard on enemies that inflicts chillChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. and deals cold damageChill is a cold ailment that reduces movement speed by 25% and lasts 8 seconds. All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. with each snowflake 10 times per second.
S S S One Handed Sword
Infernobringer 5


115-225 4 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Periodically calls down a meteor on an enemy that inflicts fireBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. damage and burnBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds. every 2 seconds.
S S S One Handed Sword
Phoenix 5


100-310 4 Medium Primary attack deals fire damageBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. .

During combat, periodically triggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword.
E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...
Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6.
a phoenix flying across the arena dealing fireBurn is a fire damage over time ailment that deals 50% of fire infliction damage as fire damage 2 times per second. Lasts 8 seconds.All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. damage every 4 seconds.
S S One Handed Sword
Plaguebringer 5


115-225 4 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Periodically calls down poisonous rain on enemies that inflicts poison damagePoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times. and a stack of PoisonPoison is a stackable poison damage over time ailment that deals 10% of poison infliction damage as poison damage 2 times per second. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Stacks up to 10 times. with each drop 10 times per second.
S S S One Handed Sword
Shadowbringer 5


75-160 4 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..

Periodically calls down a falling sword on an enemy that inflicts dark damageGloom is a stackable dark ailment that increases damage taken from cursed hits by 25% per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. All dark damage inflicts Gloom. and 10 stacks of GloomGloom is a stackable dark ailment that increases damage taken from cursed hits by 25% per stack. Stacks last 8 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 10 stacks. every 4 seconds.
S S S One Handed Sword
True Excalibur 5


105-205 slashing
105-205 thrusting
3 Far Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage., also does a Secondary attack that deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage.. S S One Handed Sword
Rhongomyniad 5


145-315 3 Far Primary attack deals thrusting damageAll thrusting damage is physical damage..
This weapon has 100% ruthless hit Ruthless Hits have 100% more top end damage. chance.
S S S Spear
Necrosword 5


35-160 3 Far Primary attack deals necrotic damageNecrosis is a necrotic damage over time ailment that deals 50% of necrotic infliction damage as necrotic damage 2 per second for 8 seconds.All necrotic damage inflicts Necrosis. .
Grants a Doppelganger companion .

APS: 2.00
DMG: 197 to 908 necroticNecrosis is a necrotic damage over time ailment that deals 50% of necrotic infliction damage as necrotic damage 2 per second for 8 seconds.All necrotic damage inflicts Necrosis.
Grants: +25% chance for weapon attacks to repeatRepeated attacks deal 25% less damage. .
S S S Two Handed Sword
Stormbringer 5


115-225 4 Medium Primary attack deals slashing damageAll slashing damage is physical damage..
Periodically calls down a lightning strike that inflicts lightningShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. All lightning damage is elemental damage and inflicts Shock. damage and 5 stacks of ShockShock is a stackable lightning ailment that makes the target take 4% more damage from hits. Stacks last 4 seconds decaying at the same time. Up to 5 stacks. 5 times per second.
S S S One Handed Sword