
From Tiny Rogues Wiki


There are currently 16 cinder modifiers in the game. Cinders are intended to increase the games difficulty at a pace the player is comfortable with. The game is roughly planned to be played at around Cinder 12 difficulty-wise.

In addition to their respective modifiers, each Cinder will also add +0.5% health and armor per floor to all enemies, including Bosses. This does not apply to Automatons and Reapers.

Cinders also grant a Mastery/Paragon EXP multiplier, cinders 0-4 granting +30%, cinders 5-8 granting 20%, cinders 9-12 granting 10% and cinders 13-16 granting 5%.

List of Cinders


Double-Edged Sword

Bosses have x0.75 Health Health is the red part of enemy health bars and armor is the blue-grey part of enemy health bars. and Armor Health is the red part of enemy health bars and armor is the blue-grey part of enemy health bars. in the first phase but x1.25 in the second phase.

Inferior Arms

Your starting weapon has a negative enchantment.

Occult Grounds

Floors contain up to x3.00 times more packs of Enchanted Enemies.

Warming Up

Stamina Recovery Speed is delayed by +3 seconds on Floor 1, +2 seconds on Floor 2 and +1 second on Floor 3.

Afterlife Express

Reapers can now spawn regardless of how Cursed Cursed rooms have an increased room clear reward but give you Curse that increases Cursed Hit Chance and causes greater chances of losing trait selections, seeing more cursed rooms and wraiths appearing in your rooms. you are.
Reapers gain Armor Health is the red part of enemy health bars and armor is the blue-grey part of enemy health bars. and an additional attack.

Monster Jam

You sometimes encounter a Rooms filled to the brink with Enemies.

Remote Guardians

Bosses are initially accompanied by 2 random Guardian Automatons.

Unjust Incentive

Some doors require sacrificing 1 Heart to open them.


Bosses, Mimics and Baslisks are Enchanted. Bosses don't receive any Health Health is the red part of enemy health bars and armor is the blue-grey part of enemy health bars. or Armor Health is the red part of enemy health bars and armor is the blue-grey part of enemy health bars. bonus from being enchanted.)

Calamitous Visions

New oppressive Enemy Enchantments can appear.

Defensive Measures

Enchanted Enemies have a 20% chance to gain an additional Defensive Modifier.

Ebb and Flow

Floor 1 has 3 fewer rooms.
Floor 2 has 2 fewer rooms.
Floor 3 has 1 fewer room.
Floor 8 has 1 more room.
Floor 9 has 2 more rooms.
Floor 10 has 3 more rooms.

Centurion Hunter

A Centurion Hunter Automaton will sometimes invade combat encounters and attack you.

Conquerors Will

You and your Companions deal x0.50 Damage when entering Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Boss Encounters. This penalty decays over 20 seconds, in steps of x0.05.


Rooms have a chance to contain an Infested Enemy.
Infested Enemies explode on Death, spreading this Infestation to other Enemies.

Twice Enchanted

Enchanted Enemies have a 50% chance to gain an additional Secondary Modifier.



  • Centurion Hunters
    • Now spawn every 8 to 20 rooms, previously every 6 to 14 rooms. The final sound and screen-shake before the robot spawns are now played at the start of the room it will appear.
  • Reaper
    • Spawn chance and spawn rate has been slightly lowered, both for the base-line Cinder value and for the natural value from Curse.
  • Defensive Measures
    • Now a 20% chance to add a defensive enchantment, down from 25%.
  • Twice Enchanted
    • Now a 50% chance to add an additional enchantment, down from 75%.


  • Every active Cinder modifier now also adds +0.5% health and armor per floor to normal enemies, not just bosses.
    • This does not apply to Automatons and Reapers.


  • Centurion Hunters
    • Health and armor values and scaling of these values into later floors has increased. The rooms before the Hunter invades will now rumble to announce their upcoming appearance.
  • Double-Edged Sword
    • Now only applies a negative enchantment modifier to your starting weapon. Does not increase frequency of negative modifiers anymore.
  • Pestilence
    • Has been completely reworked. Goodbye maggots! Infested enemies explode on death, emitting a nova of poisonous projectiles after a short delay. If an enemy touches one of these projectiles, they will become Infested too. This is a modifier favoring single target and precise damage as it can get very out of hand when you accidentally infest the entire room.
  • Conqueror's Will
    • Instead of applying a x0.50 damage reduction for 8 seconds, it now applies a x0.50 damage reduction for 20 seconds but the damage reduction decays over those 20 seconds.
  • Defensive Measures
    • Now a 25% chance to add a defensive enchantment, down from 30%. Resistance Enchantments now grant a 30% damage reduction, previously 50%.
  • Cascading Pain
    • Has been removed and replaced with: Afterlife Express
    • Afterlife Express: Reapers can now spawn regardless of how Cursed you are. Reapers gain Armor and an additional attack.
  • Ill Equipped
    • Has been removed and replaced with: Monster Jam
    • Monster Jam: You sometimes encounter Rooms filled to the brink with Enemies.
  • Automaton Guardians
    • Less health and armor in the early game. They also don't repair themselves anymore.


  • Changed Cascading Pain to "Curse is 50% more likely to take effect." from "Increased chance for cursed rewards to appear."

[0.2.2 v2]:

  • Most Cinders have been reworked or replaced.


  • Nothing that's known

Removed/Changed Cinders


Human Limits

Effects that work once per room will only work once per floor.
Affects: Evasion, Block, Defy Death, Auto Repair

Marked For Death

Doubles the Heart damage taken in the 2nd phase of any boss fight.

Occult Grounds

Floors contain up to 5 times more packs of enchanted enemies.


-2 inventory slots

Remote Guardians

Bosses are initially accompanied by 2 soul-automatons.
Automaton reinforcements are called in 2nd phase.

Unjust Incentive

Some doors appear spiked, inflicting 1/2 Heart damage to you when you go through them.

Doomed to Fail

Your first set of trait choices will be veiled, only showing the colors.


Poison lasts an additional room.
Poison also slows your movement speed by 10%.
Poison also reduces your stamina recovery speed by 20%.

Conquerors Will

Bosses intimidate you for 10 seconds when the fight starts and upon transitioning into phase 2.
You deal 50% less damage while intimidated.

On Death's Door

You start with 1/2 Heart
You start without any class inherent Soul Heart
Your Armor starts not repaired.
Your health flasks start empty.

Twice Enchanted

Enchanted enemy packs are enchanted with an additional modifier.

Cascading Pain

Curse is 50% more likely to take effect.
(Doesn't affect cursed hit chance.)

Pre 0.2.4 Adds an additional combat encounter to each floor. Rooms will apply a curse to you.


Start with -2 inventory slots. (Could be repaired at a special tavern npc)