Primary attack deals Fire Damage Burn Damage: 90 to 125 Fire Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [ Damage Over Time ] [ Ailment ] [ E l e m e n t a l ] [ Tick ] All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn . . During combat, periodically triggers Trigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword. E.g.: On lucky hit , trigger...Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP , up to 7x damage at level 6. a phoenix flying across the arena dealing Fire Burn Damage: 90 to 125 Fire Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [ Damage Over Time ] [ Ailment ] [ E l e m e n t a l ] [ Tick ] All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn . damage every 4 seconds.
Phoenix is a weapon in Tiny Rogues.
▲ Base damage from Phoenix has been doubled.