
From Tiny Rogues Wiki

This page contains all the obtainable achievements in Tiny Rogues, as well as tips for some of the more difficult ones.

All achievements are named after songs, a fan-made Spotify playlist of most of the songs can be seen here.


Unlocked Icon Title Description
Born To Lose Defeat all world 1 floor 1 bosses.
Master Of Puppets Defeat all world 1 floor 2 bosses.
Welcome To The Jungle Defeat all world 1 floor 3 bosses.
Thriller Defeat all world 1 floor 4 bosses.
Have You Ever Seen The Rain Defeat all world 1 floor 5 bosses.
Smoke On The Water Defeat all world 1 floor 6 bosses.
Through The Fire And Flames Defeat all world 1 floor 7 bosses.
Losing My Religion Defeat all world 1 floor 8 bosses.
Down Under Defeat all world 1 floor 9 bosses.
(Don't fear) The Reaper Defeat Death.
For Whom The Bell Tolls Defeat Death with 5 different classes.
We Are The Champions Unlock all character classes.
Iron Man Defeat Death as the Deprived while having at least 10 curse.
Thunderstruck Defeat Death in under 25 minutes.
With or Without You Defeat Death with 17 different classes.
Angel of Death Defeat Primal Death.
House Of The Rising Sun Defeat Death as the Gunslinger.
Holding Out For A Hero Fully repair the Broken Hero Sword.
Money For Nothing Sell a combined total worth of 500G to the pawn shop.
Where Is My Mind? Defeat Death with at least 10 different Doppelganger variations.
Stand On Your Own Defeat Death without using any Mastery Perks.
No Easy Way Out Defeat Death at Cinder 4.
The Heat Is On Defeat Death at Cinder 8.
Danger Zone Defeat Death at Cinder 12.
Edge Of Seventeen Defeat Death at Cinder 16.
The Chain Reach a Cinder sum streak of 32 or higher.
The Gambler Use 50 or more dice.
I'm Still Standing Survive a fight against Death at 1 heart or less.
A Secret Place Find and uncover 3 secret rooms.
Drink Take a sip from your health flask.
Hotel California Stay over night at the tavern.
Running up that Hill Level up to Mastery Level 10.
Can't Stop Level up to Mastery Level 20.
It's My Life Level up to Mastery Level 30.
In Too Deep Level up to Paragon Level 25.
Maniac Level up to Paragon Level 50.
Highway to Hell Enter the Burning Hells.
Stairway to Heaven Enter the High Heavens.
Dancing in the Dark Enter the Shadow Planes.
Sympathy For The Devil Ascend the Infernal Throne.
Paradise City Ascend the Celestial Throne.
It’s a Long Way to the Top Ascend the Primordial Throne.
With A Little Help From My Friends Defeat Death while having at least 10 active companions at the same time.
Breaking the Law Defeat Death with a weapon that has at least upgrade level 7.
Don't You (Forget About Me) Defeat Death with every class.
Never Too Much Defeat Death while having at least 10 Luck.
Material Girl Open a treasure chest while having at least 100% Magic Find.
Take On Me Progress to and defeat Death while never attacking an enemy with a weapon. (Tip: Turn off auto equip.)
Heaven Is a Place on Earth Enter the High Heavens 2 with an alignment of +5 Good.
Total Eclipse of the Heart Enter the Burning Hells 2 with an alignment of -5 Evil.
Karma Chameleon Enter the Shadow Planes 2 with an alignment of +5 Lawful.
What's Up Complete the world objective "Brave the Unknown".
Around the World Complete the world objective "A New Dawn".
Here I Go Again Complete the world objective "Beyond Tomorrow".
Bring Me to Life Complete the world objective "Echoes of the Forgotten".
Back In Black Complete the world objective "The End".
Knockin' On Heaven's Door Complete the world objective "Visions of Starlight".
Hells Bells Complete the world objective "Whispers of Brimstone".
Everybody Wants to Rule the World Complete the world objective "The Pact".
Magical Mystery Tour Defeat all world 2 floor 1 bosses.
T.N.T Defeat all world 2 floor 2 bosses.
Maneater Defeat all world 2 floor 3 bosses.
Toxicity Defeat all world 2 floor 4 bosses.
The Trooper Defeat all world 2 floor 5 bosses.
Another Brick in the Wall Defeat all the world 2 floor 6 bosses.
Trapped Under Ice Defeat all the world 2 floor 7 bosses.
War Pigs Defeat all the world 2 floor 8 bosses.
Otherside Defeat all the world 2 floor 9 bosses.
Gimme chocolate!! Defeat Death while having at least 50 Intelligence.
Gonna Fly Now Defeat Death while having at least 50 Strength.
U Can't Touch This Defeat Death while having at least 50 Dexterity.
Crazy Train Play as Chaos and have 2 strength traits, 2 dexterity traits and 2 intelligence traits.
Don't Stop Believin' Activate a total of 10 different set bonuses.
If You Want Blood (You've Got It) Sacrifice a total of 10 hearts.
Have a Drink on Me Defeat Death while having at least 5 different booze buffs active.
The Bad Touch Defeat Death while having at least 4 different infusion buffs active.
The Alchemist Defeat Death while having at least 9 different potion buffs active.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot Defeat Death while having over 500% critical hit damage.
Rainbow in the Dark Defeat Death while having at least 3 auras.
Cherry Bomb Trigger more than 10 damaging effects within 1 second.
Born To Be Wild Unlock all 16 Doppelganger forms.
All Star Defeat Eden, Amon and Primal Death as Doppelganger.
I'm a Believer Receive at least 20 blessings from Shrines or Cursed Shrines.
Livin' on a Prayer Defeat Eden on at least Cinder 14 as the Super Hero.
You Give Love a Bad Name Defeat Amon on at least Cinder 14 as the Super Hero.
Wanted Dead or Alive Defeat Primal Death on at least Cinder 14 as the Super Hero.


Icon Requirement Tips
Defeat Death while having at least 10 active companions at the same time.
  • Play Ninja and get the trait Swagger, using a ranged weapon to summon a large number of clones and hit the required number. High attack speed or tally reduction assists in this strategy.
  • Play a class that supports a high number of companions, Druid can get up to 4 extra companions without affecting companion weight through druid shrines, Esper can get a special trait that summons 2 companions, Necromancer has a starting companion item that summons up to three companions per companion limit.
  • Obtain companion weight through items Friendship Charm (+1), Homunculus Ring (+1) or traits Strong Together (+2) and Pack Mentality (+1).
  • Get companions through traits that do not affect companion weight, Arcane Familiar (+1) or Ancestral Aid (+2).
  • Use companion items that have a low companion weight cost, Honeycomb (0.3), Voodoo Doll (0.25), or Necromancer's starting companion items Dubious Skull, Suspicious Skull and Peculiar Skull (0.3).
  • Use weapons or equipment items that summon companions, such as Salamandra, Fiend Commander Codex and Beetle Armor to name a few.
Defeat Death with a weapon that has at least upgrade level 7.
Defeat Death while having at least 10 Luck.
  • Play Super Hero and get Super Luck as your first trait, this will grant you +10 Luck Lucky Hits have x2.00 chance for Hit Effects to happen. Luck
    Chance For:
    ↳Upgrading Room Reward
    ↳Win in Arcade
    ↳Extra Trait offered
    ↳Roll lowest price in Shop
    Grants Lucky Hit Chance.
  • Play The Hero and use his class passive to get 10 good alignment resulting in +10 Luck Lucky Hits have x2.00 chance for Hit Effects to happen. Luck
    Chance For:
    ↳Upgrading Room Reward
    ↳Win in Arcade
    ↳Extra Trait offered
    ↳Roll lowest price in Shop
    Grants Lucky Hit Chance.
    . Ways to get good alignment are listed here. The general strategy would be to save up souls and buy frequently from Angel Shops, as well as buying good aligned items from the tavern npcs.
  • Stack up 10 Curse Cursed Hits have x0.50 chance for Hit Effects to happen. and use Emblem of Balance to get +10 Luck Lucky Hits have x2.00 chance for Hit Effects to happen. Luck
    Chance For:
    ↳Upgrading Room Reward
    ↳Win in Arcade
    ↳Extra Trait offered
    ↳Roll lowest price in Shop
    Grants Lucky Hit Chance.
Open a treasure chest while having at least 100% Magic Find.
  • Get the Legendary Companion Lost Treasure for 100% Magic Find Magic Find
    Chance For:
    ↳ Upgrading Item Rarity
    ↳ Completing Sets
    Weapons to be Pre-Enchanted
    Makes you find more Rare, Epic and Legendary items.
  • Get the full Magus Set for 100% increased Magic Find Magic Find
    Chance For:
    ↳ Upgrading Item Rarity
    ↳ Completing Sets
    Weapons to be Pre-Enchanted
    Makes you find more Rare, Epic and Legendary items.
    as its set bonus.
  • Play Pirate, get to pirate rank Captain for +1 companion weight, and get the trait Best Friends Forever to boost your starting companion Parrot Feather to 120% increased Magic Find Magic Find
    Chance For:
    ↳ Upgrading Item Rarity
    ↳ Completing Sets
    Weapons to be Pre-Enchanted
    Makes you find more Rare, Epic and Legendary items.
  • Get Spelunker Vest and Pearl Ring from the Giant Clam event for a combined 100% Magic Find Magic Find
    Chance For:
    ↳ Upgrading Item Rarity
    ↳ Completing Sets
    Weapons to be Pre-Enchanted
    Makes you find more Rare, Epic and Legendary items.
Progress to and defeat Death while never attacking an enemy with a weapon. (Tip: Turn off auto equip.)
  • To be safe while attempting the achievement, do not equip any weapons in either slot (as the tip recommends).
  • Allowed damage sources: Unarmed/body, Companions, Auras, offhand Orbitals, and any Trigger effects (bomb, dash, periodical, etc.). These may all be used at any point before slaying Death, so long as the player does not use a weapon to strike an enemy.
  • Effective Unarmed builds use Cyborg and Monk, Cyborg's Rocket Punch Augment and Monk's passive ability with the highest rarity Gloves. Utilize traits such as Blood Knuckles + Adrenaline to get a flat 100% damage boost, other good traits are Blunt Trauma and Close Combat.
  • Necromancer and any Companion Weight increases will be effective (Conjurer Set, Homunculus Ring, etc.)
  • Auras generated from traits or items, along with Traits like Dominance, Brawler, Inspiring Presence or Power Hungry.