Alchemist (edit) |
Polymorph |
Turn an enemy into a harmless sheep. Cannot be used on bosses. Can also be used on Treasure Chests and Shrines. Use with caution!
1 second |
every 21 Rooms
Alchemist |
Bandit (edit) |
Smoke Grenade |
[Show] Throw a smoke grenade that inflicts ConfusionConfusion is a status effect that doubles the effect of debuffs on the target and lasts 8 seconds. to enemies inside it for 8 seconds. If ExplosionExplosion damage persists through the armor threshold. Damage touches the smoke, it will ignite it and deal 270 to 330 ExplosionExplosion damage persists through the armor threshold. Damage.
D |
A |
C |
0.25 seconds |
every 9 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Bandit |
Barbarian (edit) |
Flex |
Stand still and flex your muscles, becoming Invulnerable for 1 seconds. If you would have taken damage in that time, gain x1.25 Attack Speed for 8 seconds.
Instant |
every 21 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Barbarian |
Bard (edit) |
Charisma |
[Show] Inflicts permanent CharmCharm x1.25 Damage Taken at Far Range  Duration: 8 seconds Max Stacks: 1 [Emotion] [Debuff] to an Enemy. Can be used on non-hostile creatures to charm them, reducing the price of their service by 50% . If they don't provide a service that costs something, they will instead give you a Gift Box
0.5 seconds |
every 21 Rooms
Bard |
Chaos (edit) |
Random Skill |
You gain a random Skill.
? |
? |
? |
? |
Chaos |
Cleric (edit) |
Bless |
[Show] A light shines upon the strongest enemy on screen inflicting 10 permanent stacks of GlitterGlitter +5% Damage Taken from Lucky Hits  Duration: 4 seconds Max Stacks: 10 [Ailment] and dealing 125 to 185 Radiant DamageGlitter +5% Damage Taken from Lucky Hits  Duration: 4 seconds Max Stacks: 10 [Ailment]All radiant damage inflicts Glitter. 10 times. When used outside of combat, this skill can cleanse a door from being Cursed Cursed rooms have an increased room clear reward but give you Curse that increases Cursed Hit Chance and causes greater chances of losing trait selections, seeing more cursed rooms and wraiths appearing in your rooms..
0.5 seconds |
every 11 Rooms
Cleric |
Cyborg (edit) |
Missile Storm |
Unleashes a barrage of missiles for 4 seconds, firing a seeking missile 5 times per second, dealing 135 to 165 ExplosionExplosion damage persists through the armor threshold. Damage.
A |
A |
A |
0.5 seconds |
every 41 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Cyborg |
Dancer (edit) |
Twirl |
On Dash, leave behind a Pose and consume any existing Pose. Using this Skill consumes your Pose, teleporting you to its position. Whenever a Pose is consumed, it deals 455 to 615 SlashingAll slashing damage is physical damage. Damage. This skill triggers your On Dash Effects, including itself.
S |
S |
S |
Instant |
every 9 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Dancer |
Demon Hunter (edit) |
Vengeance |
For 8 seconds, with each Attack a shadow of your past shoots a bullet that deals 95 to 125 ThrustingAll thrusting damage is physical damage. Damage. While this skill is active you deal +30% damage against Fiends and Undead.
D |
S |
D |
0.5 seconds |
every 21 Rooms
Demon Hunter |
Deprived (edit) |
Jinx |
Jinx all enemies on screen applying 10 permanent stacks of GloomGloom +10% Damage Taken from Cursed Hits  Duration: 4 seconds Max Stacks: 10 [Ailment]. When used outside of combat, this skill can Curse Cursed Hits have x0.50 chance for Hit Effects to happen. doors to upgrade rewards if possible.
0.5 seconds |
every 41 Rooms
Deprived |
Doppelganger (edit) |
Mimic |
Mimic the Skill of your current form.
? |
? |
? |
? |
Doppelganger |
Dragoon (edit) |
Jump |
[Show] Turn intangible and jump to a targeted location dealing 210 to 285 StrikingAll striking damage is physical damage. Damage where you land. Wielding a Spear or Polearm extends the maximum distance. This skill TriggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword. E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6. your On Dash Effects.
A |
A |
D |
0.25 seconds |
every 6 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Dragoon |
Druid (edit) |
Wild Shape |
[Show] Transform into a Bear, Monkey or Owl for 8 seconds, replacing your Weapon Attack and granting an Effect.
Bear [Melee]
Attack Damage: 280 to 380 SlashingAll slashing damage is physical damage.
Attack Speed: 4.00
Effect: +100% Stamina Recovery Speed
Monkey [Ranged]
Attack Damage: 180 to 240 StrikingAll striking damage is physical damage.
Attack Speed: 3.00
Effect: +0.25 seconds of Invincibility After Dash
Owl [Magic]
Attack Damage: 175 to 260 RadiantGlitter +5% Damage Taken from Lucky Hits  Duration: 4 seconds Max Stacks: 10 [Ailment]All radiant damage inflicts Glitter.
Attack Speed: 5.00
Effect: +30% Movement Speed
S |
B |
B |
Instant |
every 5 Rooms
Druid |
Esper (edit) |
Telekinetic Barrier |
[Show] For 4 seconds deflect all Enemy Projectiles in a small radius around you dealing 50 to 70 PhysicalWound, Striking, Slashing and Thrusting are considered physical damage. Damage. This damage massively increases depending on the projectile. You cannot attack while this skill is active and dashing prematurely ends it.
D |
D |
S |
0.5 seconds |
every 9 Rooms
Esper |
Gunslinger (edit) |
High Noon |
Unload 6 shots at up to 6 Enemies on screen, prioritizing weakest enemies. Each shot deals 225 to 305 ThrustingAll thrusting damage is physical damage. Damage and has 100% Lucky Hit Chance Lucky Hits have x2.00 chance for Hit Effects to happen..
D |
S |
D |
0.5 seconds |
every 5 Rooms
Gunslinger |
Jester (edit) |
Deceive |
[Show] Instantaneously blink away and leave behind a decoy that lasts for 4 seconds.. This skill TriggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword. E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6. your On Dash Effects.
Instant |
every 9 Rooms
Jester |
Knight (edit) |
Guard Bash |
Bash into the direction you are currently aiming at, dealing 160 to 220 StrikingAll striking damage is physical damage. Damage and destroying Enemy Projectiles. Covers a larger area while wearing a Shield.
A |
C |
D |
Instant |
every 11 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Knight |
Monk (edit) |
Serenity |
[Show] Focus your mind and body to become invulnerable to all enemy damage for 4 seconds. Lasts an additional 4 seconds while unarmed. Dashing costs 0 Stamina Stamina takes 3 seconds to start recovery (stamina recovery speed) and 0.5 seconds to regenerate per point (stamina regeneration speed). while this skill is active. Prevents swapping Weapon while active.
1 second |
every 11 Rooms
Monk |
Mystic (edit) |
Parry |
Parry into the direction you are currently aiming at, destroying enemy projectiles and deflecting them dealing 160 to 220 PhysicalWound, Striking, Slashing and Thrusting are considered physical damage. Damage. This damage massively increases depending on the projectile.
D |
S |
D |
Instant |
every 5 Rooms
Mystic |
Necromancer (edit) |
Summon Lich |
Summon a Skeleton Lich Companion that grants +100% Companion Damage for 8 seconds.
Skeleton Lich • Attack Damage: 105 to 120 Magic • Attack Speed: 2.00 • Each Grants: +100% Companion Damage
0.5 seconds |
every 21 Rooms
Necromancer |
Ninja (edit) |
Dark Arts |
[Show] Turn intangible and gain +100% Movement Speed for 4 seconds. During this time, any enemy you touch is marked and at the end every marked enemy takes 445 to 670 DarkGloom +10% Damage Taken from Cursed Hits  Duration: 4 seconds Max Stacks: 10 [Ailment]All dark damage inflicts Gloom. damage. If this Skill deals a Critical Hit The damage from critical hits is multiplied with your critical hit multiplier. it also triggers your On Dash Effects. You cannot attack while this skill is active and dashing prematurely ends it.
0.5 seconds |
every 5 Rooms
Ninja |
Paladin (edit) |
Holy Shield |
Emit a holy light that destroys enemy projectiles for 8 seconds. If you are wearing a Shield the light also inflicts JudgementJudgement x1.25 Radiant Damage Taken Duration: 4 seconds Max Stacks: 1 [Ailment].
0.5 seconds |
every 41 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Paladin |
Pirate (edit) |
Rally Riffraff |
[Show] Summon 3 Pirate Riffraff Companions that each grants +10 PowerPower increases damage and area radius. The value of each point of power slowly decreases as power gets higher. for 8 seconds.
Pirate Riffraff • Attack Damage: 75 to 105 SlashingAll slashing damage is physical damage. • Attack Speed: 2.00 • Each Grants: +10 PowerPower increases damage and area radius. The value of each point of power slowly decreases as power gets higher.
0.5 seconds |
every 21 Rooms
Pirate |
Pyromancer (edit) |
Flame Wall |
[Show] Create a trench of fire that deals 30 to 45 FireBurn Damage: 90 to 125 Fire Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [Damage Over Time] [Ailment] [Elemental] [Tick]All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. Damage 2 times per second for 8 seconds. Projectiles fired through the wall by you or your allies gain 45 to 70 FireBurn Damage: 90 to 125 Fire Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [Damage Over Time] [Ailment] [Elemental] [Tick]All fire damage is elemental damage and inflicts Burn. Damage.
D |
D |
S |
0.5 seconds |
every 11 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Pyromancer |
Ranger (edit) |
Piercing Volley |
Shoot a volley of arrows that deals 275 to 370 ThrustingAll thrusting damage is physical damage. Damage.
D |
S |
D |
Instant |
every 9 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Ranger |
Samurai (edit) |
Dashing Strike |
[Show] Dash into a direction and deal 95 to 130 SlashingAll slashing damage is physical damage. Damage to every Enemy you strike. This skill inflicts +4 stacks of any stacking effect at once. This skill TriggersTrigger damage is all damage that comes from effects that explicitly use the trigger keyword. E.g.: On lucky hit, trigger...Trigger damage scales with each point of EXP, up to 7x damage at level 6. your On Dash Effects.
A |
A |
D |
0.5 seconds |
every 21 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Samurai |
Santa (edit) |
Magical Portal |
Exit the current Room and get transported to a random Event Room on this Floor. Cannot be used during combat. Cannot be used during or after Boss Encounters. Cannot be used if the Floor has no Event Rooms.
1 seconds |
every 21 Rooms
Santa |
Soldier (edit) |
Arrest |
Shackle an Enemy, permanently applying -20% Movement Speed and +20% Damage Taken. If the enemy is Enchanted the Debuff is applied to the entire pack and the packs Enchantment is removed.
0.5 seconds |
every 41 Rooms
Soldier |
Sorcerer (edit) |
Frost Nova |
[Show] Deal 220 to 265 ColdChill -20% Movement Speed Duration: 8 seconds Max Stacks: 1 [Ailment]All cold damage is elemental damage and inflicts Chill. Damage to enemies around you, creating frozen ground that inflicts ChillChill -20% Movement Speed Duration: 8 seconds Max Stacks: 1 [Ailment] and lasts for 4 seconds.
D |
D |
S |
Instant |
every 11 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Sorcerer |
Super Hero (edit) |
Super Flight |
Fly up into the air and become intangible for 4 seconds before dropping down and smashing the ground with your Fists dealing 635 to 855 StrikingAll striking damage is physical damage. Damage in a large area. After landing, your invincibility after taking damage starts.
A |
A |
A |
Instant |
every 21 Enemies
Super Hero |
The Hero (edit) |
Heroic Flag |
Raise a flag and gain +30% Attack Speed and +30% Companion Attack Speed for 8 seconds.
0.5 seconds |
every 9 Rooms
The Hero |
Thief (edit) |
Pickpocket |
Pickpocket a selected target. Can be used on enemies and non-hostile creatures, but only once per target. Once per run, using this on a non-hostile creature adds +1 Evil .
0.5 seconds |
every 9 Rooms
Thief |
Wanderer (edit) |
Town Portal |
Flee from the current Room and get transported to a Tavern. Cannot be used during or after Boss Encounters.
1 second |
every 21 Rooms
Wanderer |
Warrior (edit) |
Rend |
[Show] Deal 70 to 90 SlashingAll slashing damage is physical damage. Damage to Enemies around you and inflict BleedBleed Damage: 105 to 150 Physical Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [Damage Over Time] [Ailment] [Tick]. If a target was already BleedingBleed Damage: 105 to 150 Physical Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [Damage Over Time] [Ailment] [Tick], tick the BleedBleed Damage: 105 to 150 Physical Damage Scaling: 0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40 Maximum Stacks: 1 Tick Speed: 2 Duration: 8 seconds [Damage Over Time] [Ailment] [Tick] 3 times in rapid succession.
S |
D |
D |
Instant |
every 9 Enemies (Boss->x5.5)
Warrior |
Wizard (edit) |
Magic Circle |
Create a magic circle on the ground. While standing inside the circle you deal x1.20 Damage Per Mana Container Mana grants stats to your mana-draining weapons. By default each point of mana✯ grants 10% more damage. you have. The circle lasts forever but only 1 circle can exist at a time.
0.75 seconds |
every 9 Rooms
Wizard |