Health Flask
From Tiny Rogues Wiki
Health Flask (-flaskFlasks take 2 seconds to drink and recover 1 heart
To use a flask hold V.) is an ability in Tiny Rogues.
Drink your health flasks to recover health.
Drinking a health flask takes some time and you cannot move while drinking.
It is intended to be very hard to heal during combat.
Restores 1 Heart after 1.5 seconds.
- Recovered Hearts
can be increased by some pieces of equipment.
- The time required to drink a
-flaskFlasks take 2 seconds to drink and recover 1 heart
To use a flask hold V. can be reduced by some pieces of equipment. - PoisonPoison
Damage: 10 to 20 Poison
Damage Scaling:
0/40 : 0/40 : 0/40
Maximum Stacks: infinite
Tick Speed: 2
Duration: 4 seconds
[Damage Over Time] [Ailment] [Elemental] [Tick] reduces the amount of Heartsrecovered by 50%.
- Health Flasks were added to the game.