Automaton Workshop

From Tiny Rogues Wiki


Automaton Workshop is an event room in Tiny Rogues.

The Automaton Companion can be customized with a variety of options:
Choose an Automaton Shell: (The help book indicates that the shell is unimportant)

  • Gold Shell
  • Stone Shell
  • Wood Shell

Choose an Automaton Core:

  • Emerald Core - Each automaton grants +25 power.
  • Ruby Core - Each automaton grants +25 power.
  • Sapphire Core - Each automaton grants +25 power.

Choose a Weapon Blueprint:

  • Electricity Blueprint - Automatons attack 1.00 times per second dealing lightning magic damage.
  • Laser Blueprint - Automatons attack 1.00 times per second dealing energy magic damage.
  • Flamethrower Blueprint - Automatons attack 1.00 times per second dealing fire magic damage.


Selecting certain Weapon Blueprints determine the final reward.