Spider Queen

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Spider Queen is a boss that can appear in The Pit on the first floor.

Attack Pattern

This Boss has 2 Attack Patterns.

1st phase:
Pattern 1:

The Spider Queen approaches you in a straight line until it hits a wall.

After hitting a wall, it shoots a single web aimed in a 1-tile radius around you, which creates a small shockwave when it lands. The web lands stays on the ground and slows your movement speed if you walk over it.

The boss repeats this attack 3 times before switching to the next pattern.

Pattern 2:

The Spider Queen pulls itself up with a line of web out of sight, becomming unable to be damaged, and lands on your position shortly after.

2nd phase:
Pattern 1:

Instead of shooting one web, the Spider Queen now shoots 3 webs in quick succession.

Pattern 2:

This pattern remains unchanged.