Black Market

From Tiny Rogues Wiki
Revision as of 05:40, 19 January 2024 by NDSi (talk | contribs)


Black Market is an event room in Tiny Rogues.

Black Markets can also appear underneath the Tavern via a locked hatch, or as a secret room.
The types of vendors and what kind of items they sell are listed below:

Name Item Type Location Currency
Image Smuggler Rat Consumables, Random Items Top Left gold
Image Wildlife Smuggler Companions Top Right gold
Image Kuo-Tao Fish Items Top Right gold
Image Wizard Charms, Random items Top Right Soul
Image Weapons Dealer Illegal enchanted Weapons (+1 to all Scaling) Bottom Left gold
Image Gun Dealer Gun type Weapons, Illegal Gun Parts and Super Illegal Gun Parts Bottom Left gold
Image Charon Charms, Random Equipment, usually Rare or higher Bottom Right Soul
Image Soul Peddler Consumables, Dice, Random Items Bottom Right Soul
Image Fair Lady Cigarettes Top Middle gold
