Tyler's Robe: Difference between revisions

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3x Present Box
3x Present Box
1x Twilight Branch


Revision as of 12:52, 13 January 2024


Tyler's Robe is an equipment in Tiny Rogues.


(Correct answer in bold)

If ghosts can walk through walls, why don't they fall through floors? Good point!/They Float.

Is a hot dog a sandwich? Yes/No

Who will win, duck sized horse or horsed size duck. Duck sized horse/horse sized duck

Is cereal soup? yes/no

Would you rather have the power to turn people into chickens or turn chickens into people? People=>Chicken/Chicken=>People

Would a zebra be while wioth black stripes or black with white stripes? White with black/Black with white

Possible Rewards:

3x Gold Dice

3x Present Box

1x Twilight Branch



[v0.2.0 v4]:

  • All equipment has been reworked.